
Spring: A Time of Growth

spring blossomsA Time of Growth

Spring is just around the corner, though with the arctic blasts coming down from up north, you’d hardly know it. Still, just like every year that has passed and every year that will come to pass, sooner or later the weather will warm, the sun will stay above the horizon longer, and you’ll find your lawn no longer covered in snow and ice. When that happens, you’ll want to have prepared your lawn and garden for the thaw and rains to come, or else you’ll find yourself playing catch-up for the rest of spring and summer.

Heading off the Threat of Weeds

Spring is a season of incredible growth: with the rains that it brings, along with the thaw, plants grow wild and uninhibited, and this goes doubly so for weeds. If you are not prepared to stamp out the threat of weeds in your garden and lawn from the very start of the season, they can quickly overtake your other plants – weak as they are from the long winter – and strangle any life out of them that they may have left.

The best way to approach this problem is through the use of slow-release weed killers. Used during the mid-to-late winter, they can help to prepare your lawn and garden area for the spring planting season as well as help to enable grass growth, as the weeds will not be present to strangle your plants by taking up their food and space.

Winter Problems

Another way to prepare your lawn and garden for the coming spring season is to ensure that there are no blockages in your drain pipes and that salt from the roads, your driveway, and your sidewalk – salt used to deal with dangerous snow and ice build-up – has not gotten into your lawn and garden areas. Blockages in your drain pipes – from debris, most likely – can reduce the amount of rainwater that will reach your plants, while salt intended to help combat ice on the asphalt can deal serious damage to your plant life. Dealing with these two problems early can help ensure that spring is a time of growth for your property!

Associations and Memberships

Building Industry Association of Lancaster County Ephrata Area Chamber of Commerce Techo-pro Contractor Certified ICPI Installer