Planning Your Gardening for Spring
February 26, 2015
Planning Your Spring Gardening
Many gardeners understand the excitement of flipping through seed catalogs in the winter and drawing out their landscaping plans for the following spring. It gives them a chance to reflect on the year before and to consider new ideas to make their gardens more productive and beautiful.
For those who aren’t running over to the local herb shop or greenhouse for seeds, here are a few tips to help make your thumb a little greener.
The most important decision you have to make is choosing the type of garden you would like. If you want something that is low maintenance but will still look stunning, you may want an herb garden. If you’re looking to reduce your grocery bill and eat more veggies, a vegetable garden may be what you’re looking for. If you would like to get more of a work out and have some time out in the sun, plans involving rose bushes and flower beds may be right. It’s up to you.
- Vegetable
A vegetable garden can be fun for the whole family and harvesting all those delicious vegetables can be much more satisfying than buying them at the store. If possible put a fence around where your vegetable garden will be. This will deter woodland critters from nibbling on your fresh greens or stealing your peppers. A fence may also come in handy if you continue gardening through the years. Chicken wire may not be as attractive as a picket fence but is a versatile alternative that can be used over and over again as a blueberry cage or a makeshift greenhouse.
- Herbal
If you would love to design a landscaping plan for your home but you don’t have time or energy to tend to plants everyday a herb garden may be perfect for you. Herbs like lavender, basil, thyme, and rosemary are hearty plants that thrive without much attention. They appreciate a good weeding every now and then but usually are happy to fend for themselves. You can also design landscaping with herbs to create a wonderful aroma around your home. Place sweet smelling herbs like mint, lavender, and sage outside your bedroom to help you drift to sleep and basil, rosemary, and parsley outside your kitchen to get the creative culinary juices flowing. You can also run outside quickly to get some fresh spices for your latest dish.
- Floral
Landscaping which involves flowers may require more attention than herbs or vegetables. While some flowers like Echinacea and or poppies often grow well without fuss, flowers like roses or hibiscus will need a little extra care. If you’re able and willing to work a little bit more outside everyday, you can have a gorgeous home with just a few well-placed plants. Some flowers look beautiful and also may help in the kitchen. Nasturtiums come in vibrant reds, purples, and oranges and are fabulous in soups and sandwiches because of their spicy taste. Planting larger flowers like calendula or California poppies can also add a burst of color to your home.
So don’t be afraid to draw up some plans for this spring’s landscaping projects! Designing your home’s exterior can make it look more fresh and inviting. Using plants in your landscaping plans that cater to your life may also help you improve you cooking skills, your health, and a variety of other aspects. Before you know it all your neighbors will be stopping by to smell the roses.