

It’s time to discuss a springtime staple: Mulch!

Wood Chips, Landscape, Wood, Nature

The first step to mulching is deciding what it’s purpose is. Do you need and aesthetic solution to line your greenery and separate your shrubs and trees?

Or are you looking for your mulch to work for you and feed the plants that it sits on?

The first option is easy. Choose your non-organic material like rubber, pebbles or plenty of other option that would be available at your local hardware store. Non-organic materials don’t have to be replaced (ideally) because they don’t breakdown over time like traditional organic mulch.

Organic mulch requires some upkeep along with a yearly renewal. The material will breakdown as it feeds and protects your plants. It will also help prevent weeds from sprouting up.

A telltale sign of an inexperienced landscaper is the ‘mulch volcano’. This is when too much mulch is piled on something like a tree creating the volcano shape.

Too much mulch will be a breeding ground for bacteria by trapping too much moisture. It can also confuse the plant and make the roots grow into the mulch instead of securely into the ground as they should. Not to mention it can prevent nature from doing its job to feed and grow the plant with sunlight and rainfall.

Too little mulch just won’t do the job it’s meant to do. Aiming for a consistent 2-inch depth is a common rule of thumb.

Mulching is a great project to take on yourself, but larger projects or highly visible areas are best done by professionals. Here at Total Package Landscape, LLC, we offer over 15 years of experience of taking care of lawns all over central Pennsylvania!

Call us today for a free estimate!

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