
Should You Mow A Lawn When It Is Wet?

Mowing Your Wet Lawn

I used to think that you couldn’t mow wet grass. It sticks to you and everything it flings too. It clumps on the blades and it even stains your shoes.

It’s not bad to mow your wet lawn at all. You just have to take precautions and be careful.

  • Make sure your blades are sharp. They should always be sharp but especially sharp when cutting wet grass.
  • Pick up clumps so the grass under it doesn’t die.
  • Clean out the mower and any clumps still stuck to it.
  • Sweep off walkways and the side of the house.

If you can wait to mow dry grass, you should. With every action, there is a risk! Especially on a riding mower.

  • Turning on a riding mower can make you slide and tear up the yard.
  • Going on a hill can make you slide as well and that’s dangerous because you could fall and the mower could be right behind you.
  • Wet soil compacts easier which can lead to poor rooting of the turf.
  • Wet grass obviously clumps so your bagger will get clogged and make your mower not function properly.

Always make sure you cut higher when its wet so you don’t leave big chunks behind!

If you don’t want to take a chance, give us a call and we can take care of it for you.  717-733-8911
















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Building Industry Association of Lancaster County Ephrata Area Chamber of Commerce Techo-pro Contractor Certified ICPI Installer