
Bedbug 101

Did you hear about the guy who took bedbugs into a Pennsylvania Walmart?  There is no punchline to this question- This is a real headline that graced CNN’s web page at the beginning of 2020 and was shared 1000s of times on social media.  Someone released the parasitic insect in the men’s changing room.  Authorities (yes, the authorities were called in for this case) found a pill bottle in a boy’s jacket in the store that contained live bedbugs.  Another pill container was found in the men’s area that had dead bedbugs in it.  Bedbugs are no joke!

So, let’s dig a little deeper into these icky pests.

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Unfortunately, bedbugs are not like other pests, such as mosquitos, that you find only in the warmer months because the die off once the cold arrives.  Bedbugs live inside and they are able to withstand cold temperatures – allowing them to live and move from place to place. 

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When someone hears the word “bedbug” most people associate the pest with uncleanly homes/establishments BUT that is not the case.  So how do they get in your home?  Bedbugs don’t fly.  Bedbugs don’t jump.  They simply hop a ride onto anything (including YOU) that they can get in or on; clothing, shoes, luggage, purses, etc.  Because of their size, they are able to remain undetected and then safely move themselves onto a new location.  Think about this: you are always at risk of bedbugs attaching to you and invading your home when you go out OR when you have guests enter your home. Eeek, can I quarantine myself in my home?  

The mere mention of the word “bedbugs” and I begin to feel itchy all over my body, as I am sure most people do.  The good news is that bedbugs are not known to transmit any diseases.  They do bite – and they leave red, itchy welts.  Allergic reaction is very rare but can be a problem for some.  It’s important to remember, if you are nibbled on – try to limit your scratching (easier said than done, I know!).  Excessive scratching can lead to secondary infections so be mindful.

Checking your own home and family for bedbugs to keep everyone safe is imperative!  These little nibblers can be found in any room of your home but the most common place to find them is in the bedroom because they feed at night and require a host (you, your family) to do so. 

  • Check family members for bedbug bites – small, red bumps that are usually left in a linear pattern on the upper area of the body. 
  • Pull back blankets on your beds and look for stains on the sheets – tiny red spots and small brown streaks. 
  • Remove any sheets/mattress protectors and examine the mattress for the visual cues listed above.  Pay close attention along the seams of the mattress.
  • Check for staining on your box spring and headboard as well. 
  • Other areas to pay close attention to include behind picture frames, inside electrical outlets, along the seams of furniture, cracks in the floor and along the edge of the walls.

If your search comes up clean – you can rest easy! But be cautious that you don’t bring any travelers in with you or your guests in the future!

In the event, you notice bedbug infestation signs – begin treatment immediately!

There are many ways to rid your home of bedbugs but in order to most effectively remove them it is best to consult the specialists.  At Total Package Landscape, we offer comprehensive packages to eliminate your headache and fears.  Our team is specially trained and certified to provide you peace of mind and effective treatment!

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Building Industry Association of Lancaster County Ephrata Area Chamber of Commerce Techo-pro Contractor Certified ICPI Installer