
Cold weather ready!

It’s cold. Let’s be honest- it’s really cold!  And even though we haven’t had snow accumulation yet, we all know it’s bound to happen.  In this blog we will talk about how you can protect your lawn and landscape this winter against the damage caused by cold, frost and snow.


Check your trees, especially the older ones, for dying limbs.  Harsh winter condition can cause serious trouble for dying limbs due to the heavy weight of snow and ice.  In turn, this could cause damage to your personal property.  Make sure you are taking the time before the cold months to inspect limbs and remove any that could pose a threat to your home or vehicles.


Did you know that poorly hydrated plants are more vulnerable to the damage of the winter’s frigid temperature?  Before the ground freezes take the time to give your plants, that dwell outside, a heavy drink of water.  You can even remove the plant and soak the root ball in water for a full saturation.  Keep in mind, when the snow does fall – let the white fluffy stuff lie around the roots so that as it melts it’s watering the plants.


If you have trees or plants that you recently added to your landscape – perhaps they are not fully matured, you may want to think about protecting them with a shield of burlap.  This will create a physical barrier to help keep the tree/plant dry but, the material, will allow for proper airflow so that they remain healthy.

You can also protect your shrubs and/or trees with an anti-desiccant spray. This will provide a coating/protective layer on the foliage which will protect from lost moisture as well as winter burn. For example, Evergreens release their moisture through their leaves so this application would be beneficial for them.

Snow & Ice Management:

If you are having your home serviced for snow and ice you may want to spend some time talking to your contractor about the deicing agents that will be used at your home.  Many of these, like salt, can cause damage to your plants and grass and should be washed off.  If you will be completing your own snow & ice removal, be careful where you apply your agents – remember, snow and ice will melt and the water (filled with different chemicals) may run onto your yard and plants.

Snow plowing – should be planned extremely well.  You will want to know where your contractor will be placing those snow piles.  Obviously, this could cause damage to your grass but it can also starve nearby plants of oxygen.  You want to avoid snow being placed on top of shrubs and other plants.  Remember, it’s best to set out with a plan because once you get a few feet of snow, your contractor or your husband may not know exactly where your precious plants are.

Associations and Memberships

Building Industry Association of Lancaster County Ephrata Area Chamber of Commerce Techo-pro Contractor Certified ICPI Installer