
Winter Blues

It’s November and the temperatures have dropped, quickly!!  We have experienced frosty mornings and I am already hearing some predictions of snow in the weather forecast.  YIKES!  Hopefully by now you have followed our advice in previous blogs about prepping your landscape for fall.  In this blog we will talk about some small things you can do to maintain the beauty of your yard even in the coldest months.

Evergreens – a great addition to any yard to have keep your landscape looking beautiful and lush throughout all season.  Evergreens are a great way to add color on your property.  And what’s awesome about Evergreens is they come in a variety of colors.  You can add a Blue Dwarf Spruce that will provide blueish/grey undertones or how about the Gold Thread False Cypress which showcases brilliant yellow and gold hues.

Blue Dwarf Spruce
Gold Thread False Cypress

Birds – these live features provide a ton of joy to the eye on a cold, snowy winter day.  In order to keep these active dwellers returning through out the winter you will want to ensure that you bird feeds are packed with seed, at all times.  You will also want to make sure that those feeders are in plain sight and allow easy access for the birds to gather.  Obviously, your bird bath will not make it through the winter months without freezing but there are other creative options such as heated dog bowls.

Lights – we talked about this in a previous blog.  Adding lights is not only beneficial to you so that you and others can see their way to your house, but it also provides an opportunity to showcase the landscape.  Lighting will highlight specific points of your home, perhaps the front door that is draped in holly and berries or the wreaths that are hung in the windows.  Use these additions to focus on the parts you love of your home and landscape that you want others to enjoy as well!

Repurpose – just because it’s Winter it doesn’t mean you have to put your flowerpots and accessories in the garage until Spring.  Take the time to update them with winter decorations.  This is when you can get really creative!  Use Evergreen clippings, pinecones, berries, pieces of firewood, sticks painted white, ribbon and some glue to jazz up those accessories and provide an inviting entry to your home for the holidays.  Just check out Pinterest for a ton of great ideas!

When winter prepping you want to encourage your guests and onlookers’ eye to travel up to your home and not to focus on the ground which may look a little rough (if you didn’t follow our advice in past blogs, no worries there is always next year). 

Think of pops of color, different heights, twinkling lights and natural elements to incorporate into your homes’ landscape during this festive time of the year!

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Building Industry Association of Lancaster County Ephrata Area Chamber of Commerce Techo-pro Contractor Certified ICPI Installer