
Fall Prep!

It’s hard to believe that summer is coming to an end.  We are in the first week of September and there is so much to look forward to as fall quickly approaches; football, crisp mornings & cooler temperatures and everyone’s favorite – PUMPKIN SPICE everything.  If you take the time to maintain your lawn and garden in the fall you are ensuring a simplified spring maintenance.  Take advantage of the cooler temps and spend some extra evenings outdoors to get ready.  Here’s a few tips from the pros!


Take the time to clean out remains of old annuals, dried stems and other debris in flower beds.  When you take the time to remove the dead plants, you help to destroy any harmful insects that may be lingering. 

For your perennials, you will want to remove any dead leaves/blooms and cut the stems between 1-2 inches of the ground.  Also make sure you prune back your roses once they have finished flowering.  Take the time to water your Rhododendrons to ensure that next year’s buds develop well.  You may also want to add a very thin layer of mulch to prevent winter damage.


Fall is a great time to place your perennials in the ground.  Daffodils, Tulips, Crocus and other bulbs will benefit being planted in the cool ground before the first heavy freeze.  Also fall brings more rain and more dew than the summer months, so you will be a head of the game with watering.  Make sure that you are adding some organic nutrients to your soil before planting.


Grass continues to grow up until the first frost so you will want to continue with your regular cuts.  Long grass is vulnerable to fungi like snow mold.  By mowing low (2.5-3”) you are allowing the sun to reach the crown of the grass and the root system to remain intact.  You also want to make sure that you keep up with watering any dried-out grass to promote a healthy root system.  Another perk of continued mows, you will be chopping up the leaves and leaving behind a soil-enhancing mulch.


Fall is a great time to give your lawn some extra TLC.  If you are unsure what your lawn is craving, you can do a soil test (see our previous blog on how to complete a DIY test).  A soil test will help determine the pH level and other levels which will allow you to research (google) what you need for fertilizing.


Your soil is what feeds your plants, so it makes sense that you want to make sure it is chockfull of vitamins to promote healthy flowers, vegetables, plants, etc.  The leaves that your trees begin to shed are an excellent source of organic nutrients.  Shred those dead leaves and spread a 2-4” layer over your soil to create a natural compost.  And don’t forget about those bagged grass clippings – they are loaded with nutrients as well!


Remove all pesky weeds in the fall; dandelions, crabgrass, clover, etc.  Spray or spread your weed preventer in fall when the soil is moist and the air temperature is reasonable (not too hot/humid, not too cold/freezing).  As we said above, a thin layer of mulch will also help to combat weeds.


Put the kids to work raking leaves and layers of plant debris in piles.  This will allow your lawn to breath by removing anything preventing water and airflow to your gardens, grass, etc.

As always, we are only a call or email away and we are always willing to help you maintain your outdoor oasis!  You can trust us, the experts, to ensure that all points are covered in prepping your lawn and gardens for the cold winter months!

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Building Industry Association of Lancaster County Ephrata Area Chamber of Commerce Techo-pro Contractor Certified ICPI Installer