
Revitalize a Doggy-Damaged Yard

You love your furry family member. You take him for walks, feed him, clean him, and cuddle up after a long day. What you don’t love is the torn up and potentially muddy yard he has so graciously left for you.

Whether the issue is brown spots, holes from digging, or almost no grass, there’s nothing that the professionals haven’t encountered before

  1. Clean your yard.

Rake up any debris and and remove any ‘gifts’ your pooch may have left

     2. Make a plan for your dog(s)

Bring a yard back to life is not an overnight project; It will likely take a few weeks at least. Where will you dog go potty while your waiting for your new grass to root? Consider sectioning off about half of the yard and work on one half at a time.

     3. Research Grass type

Did you know there are about 12,000 types of grass? Luckily there are only about 10 that are recommended for american residential properties.

Do some Googling, talk to some professionals and make the best choice that works for you.

    4. Depending on the size of your yard, extent of damage, and what you want your final results to look like, there are a variety of steps to take.

Lawn Care Academy has a ton of informative articles on this topic here

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Building Industry Association of Lancaster County Ephrata Area Chamber of Commerce Techo-pro Contractor Certified ICPI Installer