
Snow Removal Tips from the Pros

Welcome to part 2 of our Snow Removal Series! We’ve covered how to be prepared before the snow even touches the ground, now it’s time to put that preparation to good use!

5 Snow Removal Tips From The Pros!

1.     Use Your Legs, Not Your Back!

4.15 of 100,000 back injuries in the winter are snow removal related. This can be prevented with a few simple tips

·      DON’T bend with your back – DO squat with your legs

·      DON’T twist to throw snow to the side or over your shoulder- DO move your feet to relocate the snow on your shovel

·      DON’T overdo it – DO take breaks to stretch and rest

2.     Be Aware of Where Your Piles Are

At some point, all this snow will melt. If you’ve cleared off your sidewalk and threw all that snow against your house, all that water is going to seep into your foundation and could possibly cause some damage.

3.     Shovel Often

Probably the biggest mistake is waiting for the snow to finish coming down before starting to shovel. If you can clear off 0.5 – 1 inch every hour or so, your job will be much easier than your neighbor trying to clear 6” or more at one time.

4.     Shovel Smart

So, you put in the work and shoveled out your driveway, job well done! Except now the plows have cleared the road and pushed some of that snow back on to your driveway.

This can be prevented by clearing out an area to the LEFT of the end of your driveway. This way, the plows will dump their overflow into that area instead of blocking your driveway and making more work.

5.     Watch Out for Traffic

This one seems obvious, but were talking about moderate to severe weather conditions, here. Even responsible drivers can lose control on snow and ice.

Next week will close our series with part 3, where we will dive more into pre-treating and salting!

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Building Industry Association of Lancaster County Ephrata Area Chamber of Commerce Techo-pro Contractor Certified ICPI Installer