Dreaming of an enticing back yard escape…..
December 8, 2016Take an inventory of your yard. If you need to store your mowing equipment outdoors, make sure it is protected from the weather in a shed or other type of building. Do not keep it on your grass, as you will be left with bare spots in your lawn. It ‘s not good for the equipment to be left out in the elements. They can become rusted, fragile and broken. Put any old equipment in one area and take it to the recycling plant soon as possible. Make sure to check the owner’s manual in any machinery you are keeping. Most say to drain the fuel if not using over 90 days but there are some that you can keep fuel in the machine. A stabilizer is recommended for those types but check your manual to make sure.
Continue walking. Are there any children’s toys lying around? These too are not good for your lawn. Keep them in a non-grassy area. Are there any toys you can get rid of? What about lawn ornaments? Do you have that decrepit, faded gnome that Aunt Myrtle gave you for Christmas in 1978? It is time to let it go. (Now I have the song from Frozen stuck in my head!) Seriously, do you want your yard looking like Sanford & Son’s? Make room for more elegant features such as a comfy patio set on your brand new, beautiful patio next to your spacious outdoor kitchen and fire pit.
Are you picturing this? Doesn’t that sound much better than a lawn covered with ancient artifacts and crabgrass? As you go on throughout your yard, take a good look at your lawn. Are there any areas that are bare or thin? Think about seeding. Do you have a lot of broadleaf or crabgrass? Lawn Care treatments may be in order. And of course, in order to get that lush, velvety, lawn that we were dreaming about earlier, you will need to fertilize as well. Don’t have time to spend on your lawn? Call a professional. They will know exactly what your lawn needs at all times of the year.