Coffee with a Side of Salt
March 9, 2015
Boss plow snow plow
Last week started slowly but ended with quite the bang! Clocking in at our largest snowfall in the winter of 2014-2015, we hope that this storm is both the best and the last for this season.
Snow removal is not a glamorous job, and it certainly is not easy. Our employees have been nothing short of excellent through the storm, some working more than 29 hours in the past 36. That type of work ethic requires a lot of coffee.
They work hard, carry heavy loads and push snow until the piles they create are taller than their truck. And they keep going. They brave roads that have not yet been touched by a snow plow to make sure a customer has access to vehicles and garages, clear the way for deliveries and ensure emergency access to medical facilities. They try and keep the grocery store parking lot safe and open (for those who didn’t get their bread, milk and eggs before the storm) and have to stay calm when many people are frustrated or stuck in the snow, and the storm is raging around them. They get covered with salt, snow, slush and ice. They get in the truck, thaw, drive to the next customer, and repeat. One of our employees actually had icicles hanging from his moustache this morning after 17 straight hours of work.
It certainly is not easy, but it can certainly be worth it.
Earlier this week, before the storm hit, we received a phone call from an elderly woman who was home bound because of her health and the snow. When she called, she hadn’t been able to get to the grocery store in weeks and she said that she needed to get out because she was running low on food in her home. Immediately, we helped her clear her driveway and make sure that she was able to get to the grocery store before Thursday’s storm hit.
That’s one of the things that makes the frustration, the exhaustion and the hard work worth it- knowing that you helped someone and maybe made their life a little easier. And though it’s hard work, it’s great to see that cleared parking lot, driveway or sidewall glistening and steaming away the snow when the sun comes out again. You get to see the work that you do, feel a sense of accomplishment and, sometimes, maybe even still feel your toes.
So bring it on, snow! We’ll be waiting for you. But maybe not until next year.