
4 Tips to Boost Your Resale Value With Hardscaping

1. Know Your Price Point

Ultimately, what your willing to spend on any project, hardscape and beyond, is up to you. However, most experts stick with the tried and true 10 percent rule. 10 percent of the value of your home is about what you would be looking to invest. For context, the same amount is recommended for a ‘small’ kitchen renovation versus 20 percent for a full-scale kitchen renovation.

2.  Function, Not Fashion

Of course, if you have the money to throw a little pizazz and personality into your project: go for it!

Unfortunately for the rest of us, we want to make our dollars stretch.

Look at what will impact your property most often. Projects like walkways, patios, and a (necessary, but uninspiring) retaining wall will go a long way.

3.Think Long Term

Hardscape projects are made to last. While you may love a custom water feature, if you are looking to sell in a family friendly area in the near future, that may not be the best place to invest your hard earned money. However, if your home is located in a higher price point neighborhood and most of your neighbors happen to be empty nesters without small children running around, that water feature may be your realtor’s favorite selling point!

4. Know Your Timeline

Having an idea of how long you plan to be in your home should also be a factor in your decision process.

Looking to sell in the next 1 to 3 years?

Chose simple projects like walkways that will give your property some fantastic curb appeal and catch a buyers eye

Does 3-10 years fall more in your plans?

Avoid projects that are too trendy or personal to you to hold that resale value until your ready to move on. On the other hand you will still be spending a good amount of time in this home, so it makes sense to consider how you will be using the space long term. Installing a outdoor firepit is a great option because they are funcional, have amazing resale value, and are great locations for events and memories for years to come!

Is this THE house?

Not going anywhere soon (or like, never)?

Go crazy. If it fits into your lifestyle and budget, the sky’s the limit!

Associations and Memberships

Building Industry Association of Lancaster County Ephrata Area Chamber of Commerce Techo-pro Contractor Certified ICPI Installer